We need a cleaner energy world. Our 2030 vision is to double profits and half absolute carbon emissions. Today two thirds of the energy we provide is fossil-based. Our ambition is to give all customers the power to choose a cleaner energy future today with energy solutions like power from on-site solar or intense energy from biofuel and liquid gas.

Fabian Ziegler in conversation


DCC Energy is putting cleaner energy in your power by leading the sales, marketing and distribution of cleaner energy solutions. We do this across two businesses: Energy Solutions and Mobility.

Energy solutions


Be the best customer company in energy


DCC Energy is a determined driver of energy transition. See how we’re leading with energy.

Our strategy

Watch our DCC Energy Insights Day hosted on 6 September 2023, and download our slide pack for further information.

Meet our dcc energy ceo

Get to know Fabian Ziegler, our DCC Energy CEO.


Renewable gases or biogases such as rDME, biopropane and green ammonia are essential future fuels. Our industry expert, James Rudman from Flogas Britain, explains everything you need to know about the three key future gases that are set to help decarbonise the liquid gas industry.

What is biopropane?

Biopropane is a renewable alternative to traditional liquid gas but what is it, how is it made and what is so good about it?

What is rDME?

Dimethyl ether (DME) is a colourless gas often used in industrial settings. rDME is a more sustainable alternative, produced from renewable feedstocks.

What is green ammonia?

Green ammonia is a zero-carbon fertiliser and fuel, and a lower-emissions gas alternative. Learn how it's made, stored, and used safely and effectively with the right training.


FY24 Operating profit by business

FY24 Operating profit by product/solution

DCC Energy in action


DCC Energy CEO, Fabian Ziegler, discusses how operating as a customer-focused energy transition partner allows DCC to ease the adoption of low-carbon energy sources.

Solutions and mobility in denmark

Find out about how we put cleaner energy in our customers’ power in Denmark.

Growth in Biofuels

Greening our existing fuels business plays an important part in our plan to both double our profits and halve our carbon between 2022 and 2030.

Growth and progress in energy management services

We announced an updated strategy for our energy activities in May 2022, focused on the twin goals of continued growth and decarbonisation.